Theming API
Use the below variables to customize and theme the booking engine for your website.
Each of these variables has a defined default value which you can override by explicitly setting a variable in the style object. This object will be set as the value to the style parameter in the configuration object in the initSkipper function call.
type Style = {
primaryFont?: StyleFont | string;
primaryFontBaseSize?: string;
primaryFontColor?: string;
secondaryFont?: StyleFont | string;
baseFontSize?: string;
secondaryFontColor?: string;
primaryColor?: string;
accentColor?: string;
accentFontColor?: string;
accentBackgroundColor?: string;
primaryBorderColor?: string;
primaryBackgroundColor?: string;
secondaryBorderColor?: string;
secondaryBackgroundColor?: string;
overlay?: Overlay | string;
placeholderFontColor?: string;
helperFontColor?: string;
alertColor?: string;
alertFontColor?: string;
alertBackgroundColor?: string;
successColor?: string;
successFontColor?: string;
successBackgroundColor?: string;
errorColor?: string;
errorFontColor?: string;
errorBackgroundColor?: string;
warningColor?: string;
warningFontColor?: string;
warningBackgroundColor?: string;
highlightColor?: string;
highlightFontColor?: string;
highlightBackgroundColor?: string;
inactiveOpacity?: number;
disabledOpacity?: number;
highlightOpacity?: number;
stateOpacity?: number;
type StyleFont = {
family: string;
transform?: "uppercase" | "capitalize" | "lowercase" | "none";
letterSpacing?: string; // accepts any valid CSS value for the letter-spacing property
type Overlay = {
backgroundColor?: string;
opacity?: number;
Field | Description | Format | Default Value |
primaryFont | This is your brand's main header font type and will be applied broadly to header, and CTA text elements. You can either specify a font family as a string , or specify a StyleFont object if, in addition to the font family, you want transform the text in one of the specified ways. We expect this font family value to be already available in the environment of the website. | OTF, TTF or StyleFont object | serif |
primaryFontBaseSize | The base font size for your header text. Increase this if your primaryFont is small. | absolute size in pixels | 16px |
primaryFontColor | The color of your primaryFont text used for headers. | HEX value | #000000 |
secondaryFont | This is your brand's main body font type and will be applied broadly to body, link, subheading, and description text elements. You can either specify a font family as a string , or specify a StyleFont object if, in addition to the font family, you want transform the text in one of the specified ways. We expect this font family value to be already available in the environment of the website. | OTF, TTF or a StyleFont object | Helvetica |
baseFontSize | The base font size for your main body text. Increase this if your secondaryFont is small. | absolute size in pixels | 16px |
secondaryFontColor | The color of your secondaryFont text used for the main body text. | HEX value | #767676 |
primaryColor | This is your brand's main color and will be used across all CTA types. Additionally, opacity variations of this color will be applied in limited use as visual highlights or to designate inactive elements. | HEX value | #000000 |
accentColor | This is your brand's secondary color and will be used in limited use for banner & message elements. | HEX value | #3E8791 |
accentFontColor | The color of additional text that will be displayed with the accentBackgroundColor as the background. | HEX value | #FFFFFF |
accentBackgroundColor | The background color of additional text that will be displayed with the accentFontColor as the text color. | HEX value | #3E8791 |
primaryBorderColor | The color for the calendar outline, form field border and loading placeholder animation | HEX value | #D9D9D9 |
primaryBackgroundColor | The main background color of the booking engine | HEX value | #FFFFFF |
secondaryBorderColor | The color for the outline of areas where additional information is displayed | HEX value | #D9D9D9 |
secondaryBackgroundColor | The background color for areas where there is secondary information | HEX value | #F1F2F4 |
overlay | This allows you to configure the widget's overlay background color and opacity. | HEX value or Overlay object | |
placeholderFontColor | The color for placeholder text in form fields | HEX value | #A9A9A9 |
helperFontColor | The color for accessory text | HEX value | #767676 |
alertColor | The main color for alert and supplemental messaging and icons | HEX value | #7E7E7E |
alertFontColor | The text color that will be displayed with the alertBackgroundColor as the background | HEX value | #7E7E7E |
alertBackgroundColor | The background color for areas that will display an alert | HEX value | #7E7E7E |
successColor | The main color for success messaging and icons | HEX value | #22C55E |
successFontColor | The text color that will be displayed with the successBackgroundColor as the background | HEX value | #FFFFFF |
successBackgroundColor | The background color for areas that will display a success message | HEX value | #22C55E |
errorColor | The main color for error messaging and icons | HEX value | #B91C1C |
errorFontColor | The text color that will be displayed with the errorBackgroundColor | HEX value | #000000 |
errorBackgroundColor | The background color for error messaging | HEX value | #EF5151 |
warningColor | The main color for warning messaging and icons | HEX value | #FACC14 |
warningFontColor | The text color that will be displayed with the warningBackgroundColor | HEX value | #000000 |
warningBackgroundColor | The background color for warning messaging | HEX value | #FACC14 |
highlightColor | The main color for informative messaging and icons | HEX value | #FFAD75 |
highlightFontColor | The text color that will be displayed with the highlightBackgroundColor | HEX value | #000000 |
highlightBackgroundColor | The background color for informative messaging | HEX value | #FFAD75 |
inactiveOpacity | The opacity for inactive states | HEX value | 0.5 |
disabledOpacity | The opacity for disabled states | HEX value | 0.3 |
stateOpacity | The opacity for focused, highlighted states | HEX value | 0.4 |
With StyleFont
target: "skipper-target",
targetIds: ["main-reserve-button"],
targetClasses: ["other-reserve-buttons"],
hotelId: "HOTELID",
style: {
primaryColor: "#1B3A5C",
accentColor: "#7F9580",
primaryFont: {
family: "Comic Sans MS",
transform: "capitalize",
letterSpacing: "0.5px",
fallbackUrl: "https://<enter-fallback-CRS-or-PMS-site-here>",
Without StyleFont
target: "skipper-target",
targetIds: ["main-reserve-button"],
targetClasses: ["other-reserve-buttons"],
hotelId: "HOTELID",
style: {
primaryColor: "#1B3A5C",
accentColor: "#7F9580",
primaryFont: "Comic Sans MS",
fallbackUrl: "https://<enter-fallback-CRS-or-PMS-site-here>",