Events Dictionary
On this page, you'll find details for each event that will be propagated to your analytics integration (we currently only support Google Tag Manager.)
Most Common Events
If you want to send our events to your Analytics tool for funnel analysis and comparison, then you'll likely want to focus on the following events:
Widget Initialized - This is equivalent to a Page Load event and will be triggered everytime someone visits your website (for pages on which you are loading our SDK)
Open Booking Engine - This is triggered whenever someone opens our Booking Engine. This can occcur when a user clicks on a CTA with a target ID (or target class) specified in the Widget Initilization properties or it can also occur from usage with our Deep Link API.
Reservation Created - This will be triggered when a user successfully completes a reservation using our Booking Engine. Additonal values are sent such as room nights, total price, room type, etc. See the Dictionary Table for more details.
Dictionary Table
Event Name | Description | Properties | Comments |
Widget Initialized | This is equivalent to a Page Load event and will be triggered everytime someone visits your website (for pages on which you are loading our SDK) | booking_engine, preload_clicks, widget_load_time | |
Open Booking Engine | Occurs when a user clicks on any target elements (either by ID or classes) that are specified in the Skipper Widget configuration | booking_engine, hotel_id | |
Select Check In Date | Occurs when a user selects a check-in date from the calendar | date | |
Select Check Out Date | Occurs when a user selects a check-out date from the calendar | date | |
Clear Single Date Selection | Occurs when a user clears a single date using the X icon | ||
Clear Entire Date Selection | Occurs when a user clicks "Clear Dates" to clear both dates | ||
Change Month | Occurs when a user changes month via the < > arrows | direction | |
Select Guest/Room Tab | Occurs when a user selects the guest/room tab on the calendar screen | ||
Select Date Tab | Occurs when a user selects the date tab on the guest/room screen | ||
Edit Guest Count | Occurs when the user changes the guest input field | count | |
Edit Room Count | Occurs when the user changes the room input field | count | |
Submit Search Form | Occurs when the user submits a search. This event does not indicate the success/failure of the search attempt | checkin_date, checkout_date, guest_count, room_count, promo_code, group_code, iata_code | |
Edit Search Inputs | Occurs when a user edits their search after receiving search results | ||
Select Room Details | Occurs when a user selects a room type from the search results | room_name, price | |
Select Room Rate | Occurs when a user selects a room rate | rate_name, price | |
Open Room Details | Occurs when a user clicks "View Room Details" | ||
Open Rate Details | Occurs when a user clicks "Rate Details" | ||
Open Policy Details | Occurs when a user clicks "See Details" from the checkout screen | ||
Open Cost Breakdown | Occurs when a user clicks "View Cost Breakdown" or clicks the price indicator on the bottom footer | ||
Book Room | Occurs after a user selects a rate and then clicks "Book Room" | ||
Select Payment | Occurs when a user indicates their payment selection | payment_type | |
Complete CC Payment Inputs | Occurs once a user completes all the CC input fields | ||
Complete Add. Guest Details | Occurs once a user completes all their guest details information | ||
Reservation Completed | Occurs when a user successfully completes a reservation | checkin_date, checkout_date, guest_count, room_count, promo_code, group_code, iata_code, room_name, lead_time, rate_name, subtotal, taxes_and_fees, total, booking_engine, transactionId, transactionAffiliation, transactionTotal, transactionTax, transactionProducts (array objects containing: sku, name, category, price, quantity) | |
Navigate Back | Occurs when a user navigates to a previous screen | ||
Collapse Booking Engine | Occurs when a user initially exits out of the booking engine and it enters a minimized state | ||
Exit Booking Engine | Occurs if a user exits out of the minmized state | ||
Expand Booking Engine | Occurs when a user continue their process from the minimized state |